Local Nonprofits
Local Stories

Youth Focus

2 min Mar 3, 2021

As part of National Safe Place Week, we want to share Jamara's story to show you just how important Safe Place is to youth in Guilford County. We've changed her name and used stock photos to protect her privacy, but Jamara's story happened right here in Greensboro. Jamara's story includes topics like domestic violence, drug use, physical violence, gang violence, neglect, and human trafficking. We encourage you to care for your safety and well-being when watching. We ask you to share Jamara's story to increase awareness about Safe Place. Ask your employer if your workplace can become a Safe Place location for local youth. Be aware this isn't a problem that's confined to big cities, this happened in our backyard. We want you to know Jamara is safe now, and our mission in bringing awareness to her story is to help as many children like Jamara as possible. All week during #NSPWeek2021 we will be sharing more information about Safe Place, operated locally by Youth Focus. Please follow along with us this week and learn more about how you can be a part of the solution. If you're a teen in need of immediate help, text the word “safe” and your current location (address, city, state) to 4HELP (44357). Within seconds, you will receive a message with the closest Safe Place site and phone number for the local youth agency (which is Youth Focus). For immediate help, reply with “2chat” to text interactively with a trained counselor. Txt4Help is quick, easy, safe, confidential, and free.